Solution #1: Diameter of a tree is the maximum distance between its any two nodes. For e.g. consider the below tree,
/ \
2 9
/ \ /
1 4 7
Diameter: 5 (1-2-5-9-7 or 4-2-5-9-7)
Here is the code,
/ \
2 9
/ \ /
1 4 7
Diameter: 5 (1-2-5-9-7 or 4-2-5-9-7)
Here is the code,
int height(struct node* root) { if(root == NULL) return 0; int lh = height(root->left); int rh = height(root->right); return 1 + MAX(lh, rh); } int diameter(struct node* root) { if(root == NULL) return 0; int lheight = height(root->left); int rheight = height(root->right); int ldia = diameter(root->left); int rdia = diameter(root->right); return MAX(1 + lheight + rheight, MAX(ldia, rdia)); }
In your diameter function, why do you need the recursion? I think the diameter is always 1+lheight+rheight.
"In your diameter function, why do you need the recursion? I think the diameter is always 1+lheight+rheight"
ans: because sometimes the longest path exists in either left subtree or right subtree.It signifies that longest path is not through root and hence recursion is required.
@Anonymous: thanks for answering the question for me :)
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