Solution #1: A constant time minimum lookup can be achieved by using an extra stack. Let's call this stack 'min_stack'. This stack will always have the minimum value at the top.
Modify 'push' and 'pop' operations as follows:
- If the element being pushed is less than the top element of 'min_stack' then push it on 'min_stack' as well.
- Else, push the top element of 'min_stack' again on 'min_stack'.
- Every time you pop an element from the original stack, pop from 'min_stack' as well.
Suppose, elements are pushed in the following order: 7 3 5 8 9 1 2
original_stack min_stack
2 1
1 1
9 3
8 3
5 3
3 3
7 7
You can see that at any stage, the 'min_stack' can be queried for the minimum element in the stack.
Modify 'push' and 'pop' operations as follows:
- If the element being pushed is less than the top element of 'min_stack' then push it on 'min_stack' as well.
- Else, push the top element of 'min_stack' again on 'min_stack'.
- Every time you pop an element from the original stack, pop from 'min_stack' as well.
Suppose, elements are pushed in the following order: 7 3 5 8 9 1 2
original_stack min_stack
2 1
1 1
9 3
8 3
5 3
3 3
7 7
You can see that at any stage, the 'min_stack' can be queried for the minimum element in the stack.
I think the push and pop can be optimized further this way:
1. Compare element being pushed with the 'top' element of 'min_stack'
a) If new element is lesser than top of min_stack, then push this new element on both the stacks.
b) Else, push it only on the original stack.
1. Pop the top element from original stack, and compare it with 'top' element of min_stack.
a) If they are equal, pop the 'top' of min_stack also.
This way, the size of our min_stack will not be same as that of the original stack, and thus lesser space requirement.
@Anonymous: You'r right. Thanks :)
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